Our Classes
Teaching Methods
This is the traditional face-to-face teaching method where students attend our tuition centre in Woolwich, southeast London on specific days and times.
11 Plus Exam Lab
Specifically for 11 Plus programmes, with 247 access to Exam Lab with video tutorials, lessons, practice tests, and mock tests. Students progress at their own pace.
Zoom Classes
This is a teaching method where our tutors schedule and teach online in the comfort of their homes on specific days and times using Zoom.
Our Classes and Teaching Methods
Our Classes: 11 Plus
Teaching Method: Classroom
11 Plus | 12 Plus | 13 Plus | CAT 4
This classroom-based program offers progressive classes taught by our professional teachers to prepare your child for the 11 Plus, 12 Plus, 13 Plus, and CAT 4 tests for admission into grammar and independent schools. It is suitable for Bexley, Kent, Medway, Bromley, Essex, ISEB, and other areas. The curriculum includes verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, spatial reasoning, comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, spelling, synonyms, antonyms, cloze tests, and shuffled sentences.
The 11 Plus programme is for Year 7 admissions, the exam is typically held in September. The 12 Plus programme is for Year 8 admissions and the exam can be held at any time. The 13 Plus programme is for Year 9 admissions and the exam can also be held at any time.
Classes are held weekly at our Woolwich Centre in London with our experienced tutors. Your child will also be given 247 access to our online learning platform, Classlet Exam Lab, which contains lessons, video tutorials, practice tests, assessment tests, and mock tests to supplement classroom-based learning.
Students should expect to spend ten hours weekly on assigned tasks.
Our Classes: 11 Plus
Teaching Method: 11 Plus Exam Lab
11 Plus | 12 Plus | 13 Plus | CAT 4
This online self-taught program offers progressive courses designed by professional teachers to prepare students for the 11 Plus, 12 Plus, 13 Plus, and CAT 4 tests for admission into grammar and independent schools. It is suitable for Bexley, Kent, Medway, Bromley, Essex, ISEB, and other areas. The curriculum is mainly GL Assessment and includes verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, spatial reasoning, comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, spelling, synonyms, antonyms, cloze tests, and shuffled sentences.
11 Plus programmes are for Year 7 admissions, the exam is typically held in September. The 12 Plus programme is for Year 8 admissions and the exam can be held at any time. The 13 Plus programme is for Year 9 admissions and the exam can also be held at any time.
Your child will have unlimited 247 access to our online learning platform, 11 Plus Exam Lab, with lessons, video tutorials, practice tests, assessment tests, and mock tests to study and progress in the comfort of their home.
Your child should expect to spend ten hours weekly to complete the assigned tasks.
Our Classes: GCSE Years 7 to 11
Teaching Method: Classroom
English | Maths | Science
This classroom-based program offers progressive classes taught by our professional teachers to progressively prepare your child for the GCSE examinations in Year 11. The subjects taught are the three cores of English Language/Literature, Mathematics, and Science.
The programs are divided into Key Stage 3, comprising Year 7 and Year 8, and Key Stage 4, comprising Year 9, Year 10, and Year 11. Classes are held every Saturday from 12:15 PM to 2:45 PM at our Woolwich Centre.
Your child will also be given access to our online learning platform for completing and submitting weekly homework. Every homework is assessed by our tutors with written feedback.
Students should expect to spend two hours weekly to complete the homework.
Our Classes: Post 16- Year 12 & Year 13
Teaching Method: Zoom Classes
Maths | Physics | Chemistry | Biology | Economics
These online Zoom classes offer progressive online classes via Zoom, conducted by our professional teachers to prepare your child to pass the Post 16 A-Level examinations. This program is divided into two separate classes: a Year 12 class and a Year 13 class, which are held on separate days of the week.
There are group weekly scheduled online classes. The subjects we currently teach are AS and A Level Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Economics.
Additionally, students who require one-to-one tailored tutoring can book a solo class outside the normal group classes. This usually occurs when a student wants to focus on specific topics or chapters in preparation for an impending assessment test.
There is weekly homework, and students should expect to spend two hours each week completing the assigned tasks.